Apply for help

Need dental care but can’t afford it? Read on to see if you qualify.


Meet our program eligibility? Learn how to apply.


Learn more about applying for the program.


Eligibility for the Donated Dental Services (DDS) or Veteran (WYSOV) Program​

In order to qualify, you must meet ONE of the following criteria.
  1. Over 65 years of age
  2. Permanently disabled
  3. Need medically necessary dental care

In addition, you must have no other means to afford or receive dental care.

Dental Benefits

If you have dental insurance (including Medicaid), you will need to use this resource first. You will need to provide a copy of your dental coverage and/or a letter of denial with your application (information on where to send needed documentation will be given after an application is submitted).


Patients are only eligible to go through the program one time. If you have received treatment in the past, you will not be eligible to qualify. This is due to the high need of donated dental care throughout the nation.


Implants, sedation and other complex treatment plans are often beyond the scope of what DLN can provide.

Cosmetic dental treatment is not provided.


Follow the steps below to complete the application


Fill out the entire application the best that you can. Do not leave any sections blank. The application will take time to complete. There is no option to save your progress, so please make sure you have allowed enough time to complete it before beginning.


Once you are placed on the waiting list, you will receive a postcard in the mail. At that time, you will need to provide supporting documentation. To submit supporting documentation, please visit the Submission Portal. The supporting documentation that may be needed is listed below (if applicable to you):


When we review your application, we will decide if you appear eligible for the program. If so, we will put you on the waiting list in the order your application was received. If you are not eligible, we will send you a letter of denial. Depending on where you live, the wait can be several months to a year or more. State DLN Coordinators are unable to give waiting list estimates. We cannot return phone calls about where you are on the waiting list due to the high volume of calls we receive.


When your application comes to the top of the wait list, DDS will contact you to go over the application. If you are eligible, you will be referred to a volunteer dentist. If a volunteer agrees to see you, you will schedule an appointment. Final acceptance into the program will be made after the first appointment with the dentist.

You may visit the Frequently Asked Questions section for further information on our programs.


To apply for the program, please make sure to follow all below steps:

  1. Refer to the above Eligibility and Application Process sections.
  2. Visit the State Programs and click on your state of residence.
    1. This page will list the counties that are open and accepting applications
    2. If your county is closed, please check back in a few months to see if we have been able to reopen your county to new applications. If the county you live in is accepting applications, please use the Start Application button to complete an online application.

    If you cannot complete an online application, you can call the DLN Coordinator listed in the State Programs page to request a paper application be mailed to you.