If you want to improve your chances of being hired or promoted, earning a college degree might help. But not all degree programs are real. Though many online schools and distance learning programs are legitimate, there are organizations that sell fake degrees. Those can cost you more than just money when it turns out the degree is fake.
Here are some signs you’ve come across a scam:
It may be hard to tell the difference between a legitimate school and a scam. Many fake degree programs have well-designed websites and familiar sounding names that make them seem real. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself. So, before you pay money to anyone promising a degree for a fee, find out:
Accreditation status is important because it’s hard to transfer credits from a school that’s not accredited. That means the money you spent on those credits could be wasted.
Accreditation is a process where a recognized group (called accreditors) looks at a school’s education program and decides whether it meets an acceptable standard of quality. If it does, the school is accredited. Colleges and universities must have their programs regularly reviewed by these independent accreditation organizations. Find out if a school or certificate program is accredited on College Navigator.
Know that not all accreditation means the same thing or is real. Some accreditors don’t do thorough reviews of a school’s education programs, which means their accreditation isn’t recognized by other schools. And sometimes fake degree programs simply make up an accreditor — or lie about being accredited by a real organization. If any of these things happen, you might find yourself with trouble transferring credits or getting anyone to recognize a license you got through that not-really-accredited school. So a little bit of self-help is the best way to go:
Whether it’s accredited or not, check out the program, search online for the program’s name plus the words “review,” “scam,” or complaint.”
Some diploma mills use names that are very close to well-known colleges or universities. Some of them use believable-sounding foreign names. A web address that ends in “.edu” doesn’t mean a school is real or trustworthy. It can be challenging, but it’s worth taking the time to research the school you’re considering.
Most employers and educational institutions consider it lying if you claim academic credentials that you didn't earn through actual course work. If you use a fake degree to apply for a job or promotion, you risk not getting hired, getting fired later on, and possible prosecution.
Paying for your education can be a large financial investment. You want to be sure you’re getting value for your hard-earned money. So, before you start investing in your future, check out the College Navigator to see which accredited degree or certificate program might be right for you.
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