A Certificate of Occupancy is an additional step required at the end of the permitting process for new construction and major remodeling projects.
Please follow the steps below. Download the tools and documents as indicated.
To apply for a permit, applicants must submit a permit application signed and notarized by the owner or owner’s representative and a registered contractor. For an owner-builder permit, only the owner is required to sign and notarize the application.
For jobs $250,000 and greater. Affidavit in lieu of the Construction Parking Management for change of contractor, new mechanical equipment installation or replacement (exact change-out), and new sub-contractor permits when job value is $250,00.00 or greater. Click here to download CPMP form .
For all jobs proposing land disturbing activities (review fee of $144.00 is assessed to those jobs valuing $250,000.00 and greater). Click here to download form
The plan review process for building permits in Miami Beach is essential to ensure compliance with building codes, zoning ordinances, and state and local laws. The process involves the review of construction documents by various disciplines and departments to ensure all requirements are met.
IMPORTANT. Step 1 of the Application Process as indicated above must be completed before the planning process can begin.
If you're submitting electronically, make sure to follow the electronic submission guidelines provided on the Online Permitting Resource Center.
The plan review for all disciplines is conducted simultaneously. Typically, each plan review cycle takes approximately 7 business days to complete. If the submitted plans and documents meet all the requirements, a permit will be issued. However, if corrections or additional documents are needed, the plan review will fail, and resubmission will be required.
On average, it takes two to three plan review cycles to address all the requirements successfully. It's crucial for design professionals or contractors involved to have a good understanding of the Florida Building Code and Miami Beach Ordinances when preparing the construction documents.
Please note that Miami-Dade County approval is often required before the City of Miami Beach plan review is complete. Click here to view guidelines on how to submit for County Municipal Approval Depending on the project, State of Florida approval may also be necessary.
Pre-Submittal Meeting:
Applicants may request a Pre-Submittal Meeting and reduce the time it takes to get a permit by receiving a preliminary review of your plans. In order to qualify, plans must be 75% complete and the design professional must be present. Click here for more information.
Expedited Plan Review:
Applicants may request an Expedited Plan Review provided that at least one review has been completed.
Requests are accepted Monday through Thursday by 2 p.m.
Applicants must upload the revised drawings and documents prior to the scheduled plan review. Reviews are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays only.
Other Departments:
For the Public Works Department, please contact Aaron Osbourne at AaronOsborne@miamibeachfl.gov.
For the Urban Forestry Section, please email UrbanForestry@miamibeachfl.gov.
For the Sustainability Department, please contact Samantha Tiffany at SamanthaTiffany@miamibeachfl.gov.
Once plans have been approved and all required documents have been received, applicants can pay the remaining balance and receive their permits. Applicants can pay online via the Civic Access portal and download the permit card and approved drawings and related documents.
Inspections are performed Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Jobs, which value exceeds $5,000, require a recorded Notice of Commencement (NOC). NOCs can be recorded by the Building Department’s Records Management section or at the Miami-Dade County Recorder’s office. Click here to download and print a blank NOC form.
Important: If you are neither the contractor nor the owner, you must be added to each permit for which you seek access to. To be added to a permit, you must submit a notarized letter from the contractor or the owner giving consent for you to be added as a contact.
Once the Final Building Inspection has been approved, applicants must obtain a Certificate of Occupancy (CO)/Certificate of Completion (CC) prior to occupying the property or space.
Applicants must submit a completed CO/CC Request Form to the Building Department’s Administration office. After the request has been reviewed, a final invoice will be generated. After the invoice has been paid, the Building Official will sign and issue the CO/CC. Download the CO/CC Request Form.
For work that is not entirely complete, applicants may request a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO)/Temporary Certificate of Completion (TCC). The building official shall set a time period during which the temporary certificate of occupancy/completion is valid.
Applicants must obtain TCO/TCC approval from each trade for which there is a required final inspection. Download the TCO/TCC Request Form.
In addition, if a TCO/TCC is set to expire and final inspections have not yet been approved, applicants may request an extension to the TCO/TCC. Download the TCO/TCC Extension Request Form.